Sunglasses & Advil: Our CBD Picks for Hangovers

So you had one too many drinks last night, woke up wondering why everything hurts, and vowed to never consume alcohol again. It happens. We've been there!
And while we can't deny the magnetism of a perfectly-made martini or margarita, we can share a few natural herbs and CBD selections that can help in combating the infamous Hangover and its dreaded symptoms.

Renowned for reducing nausea and promoting digestion, ginger can surely settle an upset stomach. Plus, it's said to stimulate metabolism (i.e. the rate at which your body can process and convert food into energy, and—in this case—can get rid of any alcohol left in your system).

So try... Vertly | Hemp CBD-Infused Bath Salts ($29)
Vertly Bath Salts
Packed with 50mg of hemp CBD, essential oils (like ginger and lemongrass), active botanicals (like rosemary) and, of course, healing minerals, these bath salts do the work for you—because they penetrate the skin and enter into your bloodstream—so sit back and soothe. | SHOP IT NOW

In addition to its uplifting aroma, peppermint relaxes stomach muscles, becoming an effective aid against issues like gas, bloating and indigestion. (After all, there's probably a reason it's the most common antacid flavoring.)

So try... Yuyo Botanics | AM Formula ($55)
Yuyo Botanics
Formulated with peppermint, lemon, ashwagandha root and, of course, CBD extract (at 300mg), this tincture, per its name, assists in maintaining a sense of wakefulness. | SHOP IT NOW

A natural stimulant, rosemary can ignite your senses and increase cerebral blood flow, meaning it can counter those feelings of mental fatigue and brain fog.

So try... Plant People | Stay Sharp Capsules ($59)
Stay Sharp Capsules
Each of these capsules combines 15mg of CBD with natural herb extracts (like rosemary, Gingko Biloba and Bacopa Monnieri) that support and improve cognitive functions like memory. | SHOP IT NOW

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, honey can neutralize toxins created by alcohol consumption. It also contains high amounts of fructose which helps boost your metabolism.

So try... Life Elements | CBD Bath Bomb ($20)
Bath Bomb
Available in 50mg, 100mg, 200mg, this bath bomb's CBD is absorbed by the skin, enters the bloodstream, and—thanks to its inclusion of honey and olive oil—could leave you feeling moisturized, too. | SHOP IT NOW


Alcohol depletes your body of vitamins, especially the B ones, which ultimately leads to that booze-induced fatigue and inability to function that we've all likely felt. Therefore, it's crucial to replenish those nutrients.

So try... The Good Patch | Hangover ($12)
Hangover Patch
Boasting B Complex, B1, green tea and 15mg of hemp CBD, this transdermal patch adheres to the skin where its benefits are absorbed and then delivered into your bloodstream. Ideal for those who want to avoid chugging a handful of supplements on a sensitive stomach. | SHOP IT NOW